Bad public relations scenarios don’t die, but they do fade

A recent New York Times article reported that the swap of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with Taliban prisoners last year influenced negotiations with Cuba as the U.S. worked out a new relationship with that country. The Cuba talks involved prisoners on each side, too, and the Obama administration didn’t want to […]

How to protect yourself from PR loss even when your site is hacked

The old saying to remind yourself not to do something stupid, or at least not to write it down, was once “If you don’t want to read it on the front page of the newspaper, don’t do it.” That has changed. The Sony Hack provides the latest evidence that inquisitive […]

Think like an editor to attract good coverage

On my first day on the job as a public relations director, I had a minor panic attack. I figured out that my main job was to convince media to run information about the university where I now worked, but no one told me how to do that, exactly. Luckily […]